Club History

In 1912, The Dayton Traffic Club was organized by individuals representing carriers and shippers. The focus of the group was to discuss current transportation problems with a view of creating a more cooperative spirit between the suppliers and the buyer of transportation. The club hoped to achieve this through acquaintances, good fellowship and closer business relationships between persons connected with or interested in traffic and transportation. During the First World War the activities of the Club were discontinued. It was late in 1920 that W. E. Boyer, a Freight Representative for the Pennsylvania Railroad, called for a meeting to look at reorganizing the Traffic Club. A formal meeting was called to order on January 25, 1921 that brought together railroad and other industrial representatives in the “Miami Valley”. The meeting was held in what was then known as the N.C.R. City Club located on Ludlow Street. It was during this time the organization was renamed to The Miami Valley Traffic Club. The membership numbered 273 that year. During the 1984-1985 year the then President of the club, Paul Sarber, accepted a motion and it was approved by vote of the membership to change the name to its present name The Miami Valley Transportation Club. This action was taken to better define the occupational scope of our membership and to incorporate the true meaning of traffic.

Highlights of our most recent past include the following: Miami Valley Transportation Club a.k.a. M.V.T.C. is known for it’s strong traditions and continues to grow in strength and membership. A. Roger Atkinson, the club President for the term between 1989-90 started the tradition of “formal tuxedos” for all Officers and Board Members at the Annual Dinner. This concept continues today, over 20 years later. M.V.T.C. continues to have four (4) golf events a year, including the last event, which has been unofficially coined as the “The Grand-Daddy” by Kevin W. Burch, tournament director for many years. This important golf event concludes the year’s golfing events and a Club Champion is recognized. A traveling trophy is given to the Champion that dates back to 1929. Fish fry’s, Euchre card tournaments, trips to the Casino and other social events are conducted throughout the year and are generally held on Thursday. The Club conducts quarterly Officer/Board Member meetings that are combined with dinner. Minutes are recorded at each meeting and past and future events are discussed. Kathryn Greene was the club’s 1st woman President during 1992-93. It takes 6 years of moving up the chairs to become President of the Club. In 1998 then President, Jeff Davis, was ahead of his time when he suggested M.V.T.C. have a website and post information online. He also suggested and accomplished having an Annual Christmas gathering for Officers and Board members which still continues. In 2001, an amendment was made to the By Laws where the term limitations for the Secretary and Treasurer were eliminated. Caryn Kawsky has been Secretary since 1997 and Kevin Burch, President in 1994-95, has been Treasurer also since 1997. Chuck Curtis was the clubs President in 1997 and mandated that a M.V.T.C. club lapel pin be designed and given to all members attending the Annual Dinner that year. The Miami Valley Transportation Club “50-50” Basketball Raffle was started in 1998 and was based on the basketball scores from the University of Dayton. This project was the brainchild of Gary DeVibiss who was President in 2006. In 2005 Board member Jim Koelker upgraded our Newsletter and was instrumental to its continued success. An amendment in 2002 reduced the number of board members from 12 to 10 with the belief that the board was too large for the number of members. Karen Johnson became our only 2nd woman President during 2003-04. Robert “Bob” Shorder was President in 2007-08 and was instrumental with “re-starting” the golf league in 1988 and also proposing dedicating the name of the club’s golf league in 1994 to the Fred Everly Memorial Golf League. Fred was our President in 1987. In 2009 President Jamie Terebinski ordered the board to have the website up and running by end of his term. With the help of board member Sherri Bosslet the club was able to establish the website. A complete list of Past Presidents dating back to 1921 is listed in this website. Our current $25 a year dues makes The Miami Valley Transportation Club “LOW” in cost and “HIGH” in value.

The M.V.T.C. continues to be exactly what its founders wanted…a place where shippers and carriers get together socially to discuss issues at hand.

Past Presidents:

W.E. Boyer 1921 T.T. Webster 1922
R.B. Mann 1923 H.T. Ratliff 1924
T.P. Stabler 1925 A.H. Finley 1926
G.W. Wood 1927 J.E. Haynes 1928
R. McDowell 1929 B.E. Olsen 1930
C.R. Carlton 1931 F.F. Kator 1932
R.L. Gallenher 1933 R.H. Kromphardt 1935
H.S. Malone 1936 J.J. O’Conner 1937
M.T. Otto 1938 T.J. Davis 1939
L.C. Landaker 1940 W.G. Lacey 1941
M. Kuppart 1942 E.G. Waterman 1943
J.W. Brown 1944 J.C. Eisele 1945
G.R. Armstrong 1946 C. Haynes 1947
T.G. Allison 1948 F.W. Fisher 1949
L.E. Huffman 1950 X.E. Simon 1951
J.J. O’Connell 1952 G.W. Henry 1953
E.H. Voehringer 1954 J.A. Ryan 1955
R.P. Carr 1956 G.C. Stoecklein 1957
J.J. McEnroe 1959 F.F. Kothman 1960
L.E. Fulkerson 1961 C.W. Stonebarger 1962
R.E. Martindale 1963 V.C. Messer 1964
C.F. Hennessey 1965 W.C. Anderson 1966
W.J. Wemer 1967 L.H. Haeseker 1968
J.D. Brennan 1969 J.L. Nichols 1970
D.L. Martindale 1971 W.H. Gilman 1972
E.T. Camey 1973 F.W. Scheidweiler 1974
Tom Zennie 1975 Jack Goda 1976
Homer Heath 1977 Joe Dom 1978
John E. Fissel 1979 William F. Dwyer 1980
Donald Husman 1981 Jack T. Wheeler 1982
Richard Newman 1983 Paul Sarber 1984
Stan Edgemon 1985 Richard Meyer 1986
Fred Everly 1987 Carl Ewry 1988
A. Roger Atkinson 1989 Ray Ritzler 1990
Tim Mulhern 1991 Kathryn Greene 1992
Todd Horton 1993 Kevin W. Burch 1994
Dick Schaefer 1995 Ronnie Overstreet 1996
Chuck Curtis 1997 Jeff Davis 1998
Les Breman 1999 Terry Blackburn 2000
Don Bratton 2001 Craig Roark 2002
Karen Johnson 2003 Dave Travis 2004
Archie Crawford 2005 Gary DeVilbiss 2006
Bob Shorder 2007 Andy Chiarenzelli 2008
Jamie Terebinski 2009 John Campbell 2010
Jeff Lecklider 2011 Brad Bradley 2012
Jason Peace 2013 Dave Coleman 2014
Molly McCrystal 2015 Dave Mitchell 2016
Rob Hohl 2017 Ben Horvath 2018